A talk about death pills

Hello to anybody looking at this post! I am here to talk about a small indie project I am working on, and I will be talking about the process and other things, but first, I would like to answer a big question:

1. Is this game a TABS clone?

In it's current state, it is. This project is not trying to be something completely new, but a reimagining of TABS. TABS is a game that I really like, and I wanted to try and give it my own spin. I want to add more in depth ai, like a fleeing system, and a more story driven campaign mode, with an RPG-like style.

Now that that is out of the way, I would like to talk about free assets used in the game:

2. Why do you use free assets?

Modelling hundreds of different item is extremely time consuming for a very small team, working for free (the project has no budget, and is purely a passion project). This forces the use of free assets, and I am not ashamed of using them. Free assets allow us to make a much better experience, and release the game much faster. I think it is really great that there are free assets, and I personally believe small indie studios or games shouldn't be punished for using them

3. What are you're future plans?

Marketing is what I want to work on, but it's incredibly difficult to market a game like this. If you are an influencer (I don't care about the size!) please reach out to me through the comments!

Aside from marketing, I really want to focus on game polish, and then add in new things, in the most recent update, I fixed most major bugs, making the game more playable, and more hotfixes will be on the way!

Afterwards, I will focus on fleshing out units and factions, and then move on to the campaign mode

4. What will the campaign mode look like?

The campaign mode will be a story driven game-mode, with an RPG-like hubworld, where you will be able to walk around, buy things, and talk to people to complete side quests. This will really help the game not feel like another random battle simulator! You will unlock units by buying them, and earn money from quests or completing levels in the campaign

5. Will there be a mobile version?

Yes, there will be an online mobile port sometime in the future, but I want to get the game closer to full release before I actively support mobile versions

That is the end of this "devlog"! I hope you are exited for the future of this project and other ones that I might make, and a trailer of this game will release soon as well!

And as a site note, this game is in early development and is a huge WIP!


DeathPills.zip 139 MB
May 12, 2023

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